Lakshya Academy

Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)

Duration: Two academic years as Credit Based Choice System comprising of four semesters. The B.Ed. Programme shall be of duration of two years, which can be completed in a   maximum period of three years from the date of admission to the programme.

  • B.Ed. Programme ( English Medium)
  • Number of Students: 100
  • Medium of Instruction: English

B.Ed. Curriculum


Course and Semester-wise Credit Assignments

Core Courses (CC) Core Courses (CC) Core Courses (CC) Core Courses (CC) 
CC-1 Childhood and Growing Up (100 marks)6CC-3 Learning and Teaching (100 marks)6CC-4 Assessment for Learning (100 marks)6CC-5 Contemporary India and Education (100 marks)6
CC-2 Knowledge and Curriculum (100 marks)6      
Elective Courses (EC) Elective Courses (EC) Elective Courses (EC) Elective Courses (EC) 
  EC1 Pedagogy of School Subject I (based on graduation subject) (100 marks)6EC2 Pedagogy of School Subject II / Peace Education / Education for Rural Development (100 marks)6EC3 Special Field Basket (Action Research / Guidance and Counselling / Environmental Education) (100 marks)6
Interdisciplinary Courses (IC) Interdisciplinary Courses (IC) Interdisciplinary Courses (IC) Interdisciplinary Courses (IC) 
IC1 Gender, School and Society (100 marks)6IC2 Educational Management (100 marks)6IC3 Language Across the Curriculum (100 marks)6IC4 Creating Inclusive Schools (100 marks)6
Ability Courses (AB) Ability Courses (AB) Ability Courses (AB) Ability Courses (AB) 
AB1 Critical Understanding of ICT (50 marks)3    AB2 Reading and Reflecting on Texts (50 marks) 
Project-Based Courses Project-Based Courses Project-Based Courses Project-Based Courses 
PC1 (50 marks)3PC2 Internship (3 weeks) (100 marks)6PC3 Internship (11 weeks) (200 marks)12PC4 Internship (5 weeks, including Community Work) (150 marks)9
Community Work Part I (20 marks, 1 week) Observation of School Activities (3 x 5 marks = 15 marks) Lessons (10 lessons x 10 marks = 100 marks) Learning Resource (1 x 10 marks = 10 marks) 
Participation in CCA in College (30 marks) Observation of Peer Lessons (5 lessons x 4 marks = 20 marks) Theme-based Lessons (2 lessons x 10 marks = 20 marks) Action Research (25 marks) 
  Shadowing a School Teacher (5 lessons x 3 marks = 15 marks) Co-teaching with School Teachers (3 lessons x 10 marks = 30 marks) Lessons (5 lessons x 10 marks = 50 marks) 
  Lessons (5 lessons x 10 marks = 50 marks) Administration of Unit Test and Analysis of Results (20 marks) Reflective Journal on Internship Activities (20 marks) 
  Reflective Journal on Internship Activities (30 marks)   Community Work Part II (20 marks) 
      Co-teaching with Peers (5 lessons x 5 marks = 25 marks) 

Audit Courses (AC)

One of the following courses must be opted by the student in Semester 1 and certified in Semester 4:

  • Understanding the Self
  • Drama and Art in Education

Total Audit Course Credits: 3


Scheme of Assessment and Examination

Theory Courses: Semester-End Examination

  • Each theory course has a semester-end examination worth 60 marks, with a duration of 2 hours.

Examination Pattern:

  • Answer any 5 out of 8 questions (10 marks each) with external choice.

  • Question 9 (short notes): Answer any 2 out of 4 (5 marks each) with internal choice.

  • University examinations will be held at the end of each semester.

Internal Assessment (Part A): Internal assessment for theory components includes 40 marks distributed as follows:

Content Test / Task / Assignment / Activity (2 x 10)20
Periodical Class Test15
Essay Test5

(Note: A content test is compulsory for Pedagogy of School Subject I, worth 10 marks.)

Practicum Component (Part B):

  • Semester 1: Project-Based Course 1 (50 marks)

  • Semester 2: Project-Based Course 2 (100 marks)

  • Semester 3: Project-Based Course 3 (200 marks)

  • Semester 4: Project-Based Course 4 (150 marks)

Ability Courses (Total 100 Marks):

  • Critical Understanding of ICT (Semester 1) – 50 marks

  • Reading and Reflecting on Texts (Semester 4) – 50 marks

Audit Course Certification: One audit course selected in Semester 1 will be certified in Semester 4 by the head of the institution.